Instant Pot Barbecue Chicken

Instant Pot BBQ Chicken Made Easy: Flavorful Recipes and Tips

· 14 min read

In the world of culinary convenience, few kitchen gadgets rival the instant pot for its ability to deliver quick, flavorful, and tender dishes. In this article, we're diving into the delectable realm of instant pot barbecue chicken, showcasing how the it can effortlessly transform this classic favorite into a quick and delicious masterpiece. Whether you're craving pulled barbecue chicken sandwiches, succulent drumsticks, or tender thighs infused with smoky goodness, the instant pot has you covered. Join us as we explore the ease and speed of crafting mouthwatering barbecue chicken in instant pot that will leave your taste buds tingling and your family asking for seconds.

Part 1: Benefits of Using the Instant Pot for Barbecue Chicken

The instant pot is a culinary game-changer when it comes to preparing barbecue chicken. Here are the key benefits of using the instant pot for this beloved dish. These benefits make the instant pot a go-to appliance for effortlessly delicious barbecue chicken.

Time Efficiency: The instant pot significantly reduces cooking time, turning hours of slow cooking into mere minutes.

Flavor Infusion: It locks in flavors, resulting in tender and intensely flavorful barbecue chicken.

Consistency: The instant pot ensures even cooking, preventing overcooking or drying out the chicken.

Versatility: It accommodates various cuts of chicken, from bone-in thighs to shredded breast meat, allowing for versatile barbecue chicken creations.

Hands-Free Cooking: Once set, the instant pot requires minimal supervision, making it ideal for busy cooks.

Part 2: 3 Delicious Instant Pot Barbecue Chicken Recipes

Here are the 3-barbecue chicken instant pot recipes offer variety and cater to different preferences, ensuring a delightful barbecue experience for all tastes.

Recipe 1: Instant Pot Pulled Barbecue Chicken


  • 2-3 pounds of boneless, skinless chicken breasts or thighs
  • 1 cup of barbecue sauce
  • 1/2 cup of chicken broth
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper (adjust to taste)
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Step 1: Set the instant pot to "Sauté" mode and add a bit of oil. Sauté the chopped onion and garlic until softened.

Step 2: Add the chicken to the pot and season with smoked paprika, cayenne pepper, salt, and pepper. Sauté briefly to brown the edges.

Step 3: Pour in the barbecue sauce and chicken broth. Stir to combine.

Step 4: Close the instant pot lid, set it to "Manual" or "Pressure Cook" mode, and cook on high pressure for 10-12 minutes (adjust depending on chicken thickness).

Step 5: Once cooked, perform a quick pressure release. Use two forks to shred the chicken directly in the pot, mixing it with the sauce.

Step 6: Serve the pulled barbecue chicken on buns, sliders, or as desired, topped with extra sauce.


Recipe 2: Instant Pot BBQ Drumsticks


  1. 2 pounds of chicken drumsticks
  2. 1 cup of barbecue sauce
  3. 1/2 cup of chicken broth
  4. 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  5. 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
  6. 1 teaspoon of onion powder
  7. Salt and pepper to taste


Step 1: Season the chicken drumsticks with garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper.

Step 2: Set the instant pot to "Sauté" mode and add olive oil. Brown the drumsticks on all sides for about 5 minutes.

Step 3: Pour in the barbecue sauce and chicken broth, stirring to coat the drumsticks.

Step 4: Lock the instant pot lid, set it to "Manual" or "Pressure Cook" mode, and cook on high pressure for 8-10 minutes.

Step 5: Allow for a natural pressure release for 5 minutes, then manually release any remaining pressure.

Step 6: Serve the barbecue drumsticks with extra sauce for dipping.


Recipe 3: Instant Pot BBQ Chicken Thighs


  1. 2 pounds of bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs
  2. 1 cup of barbecue sauce
  3. 1/2 cup of chicken broth
  4. 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  5. 1 teaspoon of paprika
  6. 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder
  7. Salt and pepper to taste


Step 1: Season the chicken thighs with paprika, garlic powder, salt, and pepper.

Step 2: Set the instant pot to "Sauté" mode and add olive oil. Brown the chicken thighs, skin side down, for 3-4 minutes.

Step 3: Flip the chicken thighs and sauté for an additional 2-3 minutes. Pour in the barbecue sauce and chicken broth, ensuring the chicken is coated.

Step 4: Lock the instant pot lid, set it to "Manual" or "Pressure Cook" mode, and cook on high pressure for 10-12 minutes.

Step 5: Allow for a natural pressure release for 5 minutes, then manually release any remaining pressure.

Step 6: Serve the barbecue chicken thighs with the sauce spooned over the top.


Part 3: Tips for Success of Barbecue Chicken Instant Pot

By incorporating these tips and tricks into your instant pot barbecue chicken preparation, you'll be on your way to achieving mouthwatering, tender, and flavorful results every time. Here are some expert tips and tricks to help you achieve the best results when cooking barbecue chicken in the instant pot.

1. Searing for Flavor: Before pressure cooking, consider searing the chicken briefly in the instant pot using the "Sauté" mode. This step adds depth and richness to the flavor by caramelizing the meat's surface.

2. Bone-In V.S. Boneless: Bone-in chicken (like thighs or drumsticks) can result in more flavorful and tender barbecue chicken due to the added moisture from the bones. However, boneless cuts are quicker to cook.

3. Natural Release: After pressure cooking, allow the instant pot to perform a natural pressure release for a few minutes before manually releasing the remaining pressure. This helps keep the chicken moist and prevents it from becoming tough.

4. Sauce Thickness: If you prefer a thicker barbecue sauce, you can use the "Sauté" mode again after pressure cooking to simmer and reduce the sauce until it reaches your desired consistency.

5. Adjusting Cook Time: The cooking time can vary depending on the size and thickness of the chicken pieces. For larger cuts or frozen chicken, you may need to add a few extra minutes to the pressure-cooking time.

6. Flavor Variations: Experiment with different barbecue sauce flavors, such as honey barbecue, spicy chipotle, or smoky mesquite, to customize the taste to your liking.

7. Safety First: Always follow instant pot safety guidelines and ensure the silicone sealing ring is properly in place, the valve is sealed, and the cooker is correctly locked before starting the cooking process.

8. Use a Meat Thermometer: To ensure the chicken is fully cooked, use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. Chicken should reach at least 165°F (74°C) to be safe to eat.

9. Resting Time: Allow the barbecue chicken to rest for a few minutes after cooking. This helps redistribute juices, making the meat even more succulent.

10. Garnish and Serve: Garnish your barbecue chicken with fresh herbs like cilantro or parsley or add a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime for a burst of citrusy flavor before serving.

Part 4: Ingredient Substitutions for Barbecue Chicken in the Instant Pot

Remember to consider the preferences and dietary needs of your guests when making these ingredient substitutions to ensure everyone can enjoy a delicious meal tailored to their tastes. Here are some ingredient substitutions for barbecue chicken recipes in the instant pot to accommodate various dietary preferences or restrictions:

1. Gluten-Free BBQ Sauce: If you or your guests follow a gluten-free diet, ensure the barbecue sauce you use is labeled as gluten-free. Many brands offer gluten-free versions.

2. Low-Sugar BBQ Sauce: For those watching their sugar intake, opt for a barbecue sauce with reduced sugar or use a sugar-free barbecue sauce.

3. Vegan BBQ Sauce: If you're preparing barbecue chicken for vegans or vegetarians, choose a vegan barbecue sauce that doesn't contain any animal-derived ingredients.

4. Boneless Chicken: If you prefer boneless chicken for convenience or dietary reasons, you can substitute boneless chicken breasts or thighs for bone-in cuts in most recipes. Adjust the cooking time accordingly.

5. Skinless Chicken: To reduce the fat content, you can use skinless chicken cuts. The instant pot will keep the meat moist even without the skin.

6. Plant-Based Chicken Alternatives: For a vegetarian or vegan twist, consider using plant-based chicken substitutes like tempeh, seitan, or tofu coated with barbecue sauce.

7. Homemade BBQ Sauce: To have more control over the ingredients and flavors, make your own barbecue sauce at home using ingredients that align with your dietary preferences.

8. Allergen-Free Options: If you have specific allergies or dietary restrictions, always read product labels carefully to ensure that both the barbecue sauce and chicken broth are free from allergens like soy, dairy, or nuts.

9. Sugar Alternatives: Replace traditional sugar with a sugar substitute like erythritol or stevia in your homemade barbecue sauce for a low-sugar option.

10. Spice Level Adjustments: Customize the spice level of your barbecue sauce by adding more or less chili powder, cayenne pepper, or hot sauce to suit your taste and dietary preferences.

Part 5: Serving and Pairing Suggestions for Barbecue Chicken Instant Pot

Here are some ingredient substitutions for barbecue chicken recipes in the instant pot to accommodate various dietary preferences or restrictions:

1. Gluten-Free BBQ Sauce: If you or your guests follow a gluten-free diet, ensure the barbecue sauce you use is labeled as gluten-free. Many brands offer gluten-free versions.

2. Low-Sugar BBQ Sauce: For those watching their sugar intake, opt for a barbecue sauce with reduced sugar or use a sugar-free barbecue sauce.

3. Vegan BBQ Sauce: If you're preparing barbecue chicken for vegans or vegetarians, choose a vegan barbecue sauce that doesn't contain any animal-derived ingredients.

4. Boneless Chicken: If you prefer boneless chicken for convenience or dietary reasons, you can substitute boneless chicken breasts or thighs for bone-in cuts in most recipes. Adjust the cooking time accordingly.

5. Skinless Chicken: To reduce the fat content, you can use skinless chicken cuts. The instant pot will keep the meat moist even without the skin.

6. Plant-Based Chicken Alternatives: For a vegetarian or vegan twist, consider using plant-based chicken substitutes like tempeh, seitan, or tofu coated with barbecue sauce.

7. Homemade BBQ Sauce: To have more control over the ingredients and flavors, make your own barbecue sauce at home using ingredients that align with your dietary preferences.

8. Allergen-Free Options: If you have specific allergies or dietary restrictions, always read product labels carefully to ensure that both the barbecue sauce and chicken broth are free from allergens like soy, dairy, or nuts.

9. Sugar Alternatives: Replace traditional sugar with a sugar substitute like erythritol or stevia in your homemade barbecue sauce for a low-sugar option.

10. Spice Level Adjustments: Customize the spice level of your barbecue sauce by adding more or less chili powder, cayenne pepper, or hot sauce to suit your taste and dietary preferences.


Discover the perfect blend of convenience and flavor with instant pot barbecue chicken recipes. These dishes are a time-saving marvel, offering versatility for various tastes and preferences. Expert tips ensure your success, while ingredient substitutions make them adaptable to dietary needs. Customize the flavor to your liking and savor the delicious results. Whether it's a quick weeknight dinner or a weekend gathering, these recipes are sure to delight. Fire up your instant pot and embark on a culinary journey that will leave your taste buds craving for more. Try them today for a mouthwatering meal experience like never before!


Can I use frozen chicken for instant pot barbecue chicken recipes?

Yes, you can use frozen chicken. However, you may need to adjust the cooking time to ensure its fully cooked. Consult your instant pot manual for guidelines.

Do I need to use a specific type of barbecue sauce?

No, you can use your favorite barbecue sauce. There are various flavors and styles available to suit your taste preferences.

Can I make instant pot barbecue chicken ahead of time and reheat it?

Yes, you can make it in advance and reheat it. Instant pot barbecue chicken reheats well in the microwave, on the stovetop, or in the instant pot using the "Warm" setting.

How do I store leftover instant pot barbecue chicken?

Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. You can also freeze it for longer storage.

Can I use the same recipes for bone-in chicken pieces?

Yes, you can adapt the recipes for bone-in chicken thighs or drumsticks. Adjust the cooking time to ensure they're fully cooked.

Grace Rodriguez

About Grace Rodriguez

Grace Rodriguez is your passionate grill aficionado and the lively host of the Fox Heights Bar and Grill Podcast. With a zest for culinary adventures and a gift for making everyone feel like a friend, Grace brings a warm and welcoming vibe to the world of grilling. From sharing her top-notch tips for crafting the perfect burger to creating an atmosphere of camaraderie around the grill, Grace's genuine charm and relatable style make her podcast a must-listen for both seasoned grill masters and newcomers alike.

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