
Can a Grill Get Wet? Tips for Protecting Your BBQ from Rain & Moisture

· 13 min read

Grilling is not just a way of cooking, it's a way of life. There's something magical about cooking outdoors, enjoying the fresh air, and savoring the flavors that only a grill can bring. But one thing that can quickly put a damper on your grilling experience is a wet grill. Can a grill get wet? The short answer is yes, but the real question is, what can you do about it? In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the effects of wetness on your grill, how to protect it from the elements, and essential maintenance tips to ensure your grill stays in top shape, rain or shine.

Part 1: Understanding Your Grill, can a Grill Get Wet?

Before we dive into how to keep your grill dry, it's important to understand the different types of grills and their vulnerability to wetness. There are various types of grills available in the market, including gas grills, charcoal grills, and electric grills. Gas grills, with their intricate components and burners, are particularly susceptible to damage from water. Charcoal grills, on the other hand, can also be affected by wetness, as it can make it difficult to light the charcoal and maintain the desired temperature. Electric grills, which rely on electricity to generate heat, should never be exposed to water to avoid electrical hazards.

Leaving your grill wet can have detrimental effects. Moisture can cause the metal parts of your grill to rust, compromising its structural integrity and potentially leading to expensive repairs or even the need for a new grill altogether. Additionally, a wet grill can be a breeding ground for bacteria, which can contaminate your food and pose health risks.


Part 2: Pre-grilling Safety Measures

Preventing your grill from getting wet starts with taking some safety measures before you even fire it up. First and foremost, always check the weather forecast before planning a grilling session. If rain is in the forecast, it's best to reschedule your cookout to a dry day. However, if you're determined to grill, make sure you choose a dry and safe spot to set up your grill. Avoid placing it directly under trees or in areas where water tends to accumulate. It's also a good idea to have an alternative location, such as a covered patio or a garage, where you can move your grill if the weather takes a turn for the worse.

How Wetness Affects Your Grill

Now that we understand the importance of keeping our grills dry, let's take a closer look at the effects of wetness on the various components of your grill. When water comes into contact with the burners and other gas-related parts of a gas grill, it can cause corrosion, leading to malfunctioning burners and gas leaks. In charcoal grills, wetness can make it difficult to light the charcoal and maintain a consistent temperature, resulting in unevenly cooked food. Electric grills are particularly sensitive to water, as any contact with moisture can cause electrical hazards and pose a serious safety risk.

Aside from the immediate effects on the functionality of your grill, a wet grill can also lead to long-term damage. Moisture can seep into the metal parts of your grill, causing rust to form. Rust not only weakens the structure of your grill but can also contaminate your food. Nobody wants to bite into a perfectly grilled steak only to taste the unpleasant tang of rust.


The Science Behind Rust and Your Grill

To fully understand the impact of rust on your grill, let's take a moment to delve into the science behind it. Rust is the result of a chemical reaction called oxidation. When iron or steel is exposed to oxygen and moisture, a series of chemical reactions occur, resulting in the formation of iron oxide, commonly known as rust. Rust weakens the metal, making it more prone to corrosion and eventual failure.

To protect your grill from the damaging effects of rust, it's crucial to take proactive steps to keep it dry and well-maintained. Let's explore how you can do that.

Part 3: Protecting Your Grill from the Elements

The best way to keep your grill dry and protected from the elements is by using a grill cover. A grill cover acts as a shield, preventing rain, snow, and other forms of moisture from reaching the surface of your grill. When choosing a grill cover, make sure it is made from a waterproof and breathable material, such as polyester or vinyl. This will ensure that moisture doesn't get trapped inside the cover, which could lead to mold or mildew growth.

In addition to a grill cover, there are other weatherproofing accessories you can use to further protect your grill. For gas grills, consider investing in a grill umbrella or canopy to provide additional protection from rain and direct sunlight. For charcoal grills, using a chimney starter can help you light the charcoal without the need for lighter fluid, which can be affected by wetness. Electric grills should always be used in dry areas and never exposed to water.

Grill Maintenance: An Essential Step in Grill Care

To keep your grill in top shape and ensure its longevity, regular maintenance is essential. Different types of grills require different maintenance activities, but there are some general steps you can take to keep any grill in good working order.

First and foremost, always clean your grill after each use. Remove any leftover food debris and grease, as they can attract pests and lead to corrosion. Use a grill brush or scraper to remove stuck-on residue from the grates. For gas grills, inspect the burners regularly and clean them with a wire brush if necessary. Check for any signs of wear or damage, such as rusted parts or loose connections, and replace or repair them as needed.

For charcoal grills, make sure to dispose of the ashes properly and clean out the ash catcher regularly. This will prevent the buildup of ash, which can affect the airflow and temperature control of your grill. Electric grills should be cleaned according to the manufacturer's instructions, ensuring that no water comes into contact with the electrical components.


Part 4: Dealing with a Wet Grill

Despite all your best efforts, there may be times when your grill still gets wet. Whether it's an unexpected rain shower or an accidental spill, it's important to take immediate action to dry your grill and ensure its safety.

If your grill gets wet, start by turning off the gas supply (if applicable) and disconnecting the propane tank. Remove any food or cooking grates from the grill and wipe down the interior and exterior surfaces with a dry cloth or paper towels. Pay special attention to the burners and gas-related parts, ensuring they are completely dry before attempting to relight the grill.

For charcoal grills, remove any wet charcoal and replace it with fresh, dry charcoal. Light the charcoal using a chimney starter to ensure even and efficient heat distribution. Electric grills should never be used when wet, so make sure to dry all the components thoroughly before plugging it back in.

Remember, safety should always be your top priority. If you have any doubts about the safety of your grill after it has been wet, consult the manufacturer's guidelines or contact a professional for assistance.


Ensuring Longevity for Your Grill in Adverse Weather

While it's important to take immediate steps to dry your grill when it gets wet, there are also some proactive measures you can take to ensure its longevity, regardless of the weather conditions.

One of the simplest ways to protect your grill from the elements is by storing it in a covered area when it's not in use. If you have a covered patio or a garage, make use of that space to keep your grill dry and protected from rain, snow, and direct sunlight. If you don't have a covered area, consider investing in a grill shelter or a portable gazebo to provide additional protection.

Regularly inspect your grill for signs of wear and tear, such as rusted parts or loose connections. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of your grill. Applying a high-heat paint or a rust-resistant coating to the exterior surfaces of your grill can also provide an extra layer of protection against the elements.

Using grill care tools, such as grill brushes, scrapers, and cleaning solutions, can help you maintain the cleanliness and functionality of your grill. These tools are specifically designed to remove grease, grime, and residue, keeping your grill in top condition.

The Role of Grill Manufacturers in Weatherproofing

When purchasing a grill, it's important to consider the construction and materials used by the manufacturer. A well-built grill with weatherproof features can go a long way in protecting your investment. Many grill manufacturers offer warranties that cover damage caused by exposure to weather conditions. Before making a purchase, make sure to read the warranty details and understand what is covered and what is not. This will give you peace of mind knowing that your grill is protected against the elements.

Good grill construction includes features such as rust-resistant materials, waterproof seals, and sturdy frames that can withstand harsh weather conditions. Stainless steel and cast iron are popular choices for grill construction due to their durability and resistance to rust. Look for grills with high-quality components and finishes that are designed to withstand the outdoor elements.


Grilling is a beloved pastime for many and keeping your grill dry is an essential part of ensuring its longevity and safety. By following the steps and tips outlined in this guide, you'll be able to protect your grill from the damaging effects of wetness and enjoy many delicious meals for years to come. Remember to always check the weather forecast, choose a dry and safe grilling spot, use a grill cover, and perform regular maintenance on your grill. With these precautions in place, you can grill in the great outdoors with peace of mind.


Can I leave my grill uncovered in the rain?

No, it's not recommended to leave your grill uncovered in the rain. Moisture can damage the components of your grill and lead to rust formation. It's best to use a grill cover and find a dry spot to set up your grill.

What should I do if my grill gets wet?

If your grill gets wet, turn off the gas supply (if applicable) and disconnect the propane tank. Remove any food or cooking grates and wipe down the interior and exterior surfaces with a dry cloth. Make sure all the components are completely dry before using the grill again.

Can I use my grill in the winter?

Yes, you can use your grill in the winter, but it's important to take extra precautions. Ensure that the grill is properly protected from the elements, use a high-quality grill cover, and consider using a grill shelter or a portable gazebo for added protection.

How often should I clean my grill?

It's recommended to clean your grill after each use. Remove any food debris and grease, and clean the grates with a grill brush or scraper. Regular cleaning will help prevent the buildup of residue and extend the life of your grill.

What should I do if I notice rust on my grill?

If you notice rust on your grill, it's important to address it promptly. Use a wire brush or sandpaper to remove the rusted areas, then apply a high-heat paint or a rust-resistant coating to protect the metal. Regular maintenance and keeping your grill dry will help prevent rust formation in the first place.

Grace Rodriguez

About Grace Rodriguez

Grace Rodriguez is your passionate grill aficionado and the lively host of the Fox Heights Bar and Grill Podcast. With a zest for culinary adventures and a gift for making everyone feel like a friend, Grace brings a warm and welcoming vibe to the world of grilling. From sharing her top-notch tips for crafting the perfect burger to creating an atmosphere of camaraderie around the grill, Grace's genuine charm and relatable style make her podcast a must-listen for both seasoned grill masters and newcomers alike.

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